Monthly Archives: February 2010

8th day

I re-memorized psalm 121 today. I confess I memorized it in the NIV when I was about 7 years old, so it’s hard to undo. The key differences of NIV vs ESV in this psalm are “watch over” vs. “keep” and “harm” vs. “evil.” Here’s the ESV anyway. psalm 121 121:1 I lift up my […]

day 7

So this is the 7th day of Lent. I don’t know about my spiritual progress; I have been noticing this week that I have critical thoughts of fellow classmates…but maybe it’s more of an indication of wasted time than anything else. It’s also amazing how much little things like food and sleep affect disposition–but I […]

Lent: day 6

it is currently the 6th day of Lent not counting Sunday as Sundays are usually not counted. I am counting Ash Wednesday as the first day of Lent. hmm…the calender just tells me it is the first week in Lent.Anyway, I am memorizing psalms.First Sunday of Lent: Psalms 2 & 3Monday: Psalm 4Tuesday/Today: trying not […]

entry: Lent day 4

wednesday 1: considered giving up over-sleeping, but decided this wouldn’t be necessary with continuation of studies–giving up snack machines instead which I am addicted to as I don’t pack lunch or eat out…thursday2: considered giving up swearing, and then promptly broke all records for the year. Had to rehearse for some memorial out of my […]

Ash Wednesday

Luke 4:1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry. Genesis 3:6 So when the woman saw that the […]

Cheap Grace

Let the Christian rest content with his worldliness and with this renunciation of any higher standard than the world. He is living for the sake of the world rather than for the sake of grace. Let him be comforted and rest assured in his possession of this grace – for grace alone does everything. Instead […]