Happy Catacombs: #2; diamond, Trapper, and tree scenes (2,3,4)

Code: Z=”zia” formerly katniss, x=”xephyr” formerly gale.

[scene 2]

Z sitting on a doorstep staring at the village. X comes by.

X: hey [sits down beside her]

Z: [mumbles] hi. [still looking straight ahead.]

X: I want to show you something.[pulls out something] here. [holding a small little clear stone]

Z: neat what is it?

X:[quietly] I don’t know, I think maybe it’s diamond.

Z:[laughs] I think it’s a piece of glass. [benefit of doubt]–Or maybe quartz. Where did you find it?

X: got it from a trader.

Z: [smiles] I hope you didn’t pay much for it. [pause. X won’t look at Z. Z examines it] I guess it’s kinda pretty.

X: yeah, maybe if it’s cut or something it would sparkle.

Z: maybe. [tries to hand it back ]

X: oh no, you can keep it.

Z: oh thanks, but what would I do with it?

X: I don’t know, put it on a ring or something…

Z: [laughs] no, then people would think I was engaged or something. [suddenly looks upset, gets stony] You’re not—[sighs, puts the stone down. gets up to go]

X: no, it’s OK, I’m…

Z: [shakes her head] no, I just—gotta be alone. [Z leaves]

[End scene]

update–>insert Trapper scene.

[Zia runs toward a gorge on a mountain…wandering around aimlessly]

An old man Trapper: Hey! Get off—[sees it’s her. Gets closer.]

Trapper: So you’re the girl. [puts aside his shotgun] You’re the winner.

[Z has been crying, looks down.] Z: No, just one of them.

Trapper: I said, you’re the winner.

[Z looks upset; looks down.]

Trapper: You know why? [pause] because you fought for life. Not your own. [cocks gun]

[Z slightly shakes her head, is crying; old man leans forward]

Trapper: [quietly] death isn’t evil. it’s temporary. So is this life. [raises his voice] Not—[raises his finger to the sky; Z looks at him] life. [looking into Z teary eyes:] Just this life. [moves away. Speaks nodding:] So, we should make sure welive it well. [Trapper smiles.]

[Trapper leaves. See Z staring wondering.]

end 4
[next day] Tree scene

Z in a tree sitting down. X standing on a lower branch with his arms on top of a different branch,propping up his chin on his arms.
Z: [mumbling] I’m sorry…you must have paid a fortune for it…
X: No, it’s OK—.[looks down, quickly] It doesn’t matter–
Z:I just—I mean, I can’t…
X: I know. It’s OK. I just wanted you to know…that we’re…that we’ll always be the same. Like family.
Z: Of course.[pause] But you know–[scratchy] I’m not—the same. I won’t ever be.
X: [stares at the branch]
Z: And nothing can change that. Nothing—no one. I’m sorry.
X: No—I know.
Z: [choking up] Not even you.
X: I know.
Z: [crying] Look, I wish…love could solve my problems, but it can’t. I need a different life…
X: A different life?
Z: yeah. [wipes eyes]
X: God?
Z: what? [disbelieving]
X: A higher power? [mumbled]
Z: what are you talking about?
X: [sighs. Looking for words]
Z: God? [quietly:] if he exists.
X: well, if something doesn’t exist it can’t hurt you.
Z: um, lies exist. And they can hurt you.
X: The only way for lies to exist is because they are partly true.
Z: look, [looks exhausted, looks down] that’s not going to help me right now. [pause] Thanks though, I know you’re trying to make me feel better. [smiles weakly looks at X]
X: [not smiling, looking pensive] Why don’t you meet me tomorrow at dusk…near the smithy’s? [pause] [getting down from the tree]
Z: what?–
X: [looks up] –behind the woodpile. [trying to get down]
Z: why?
X:I’ve–I’ve discovered another treasure.[hands her the stone and leaves.]

[end scene2]