Happy Catacombs: #3; “first experiences” (5,6)


Code: Z=zia formerly katniss, x=xephyr formerly gale, w=wheata formerly peeta.

4.3 [scene 3] “cave scene”

dark. Woods. Near the some house with smoke coming out.

Z: X?

X: shh. don’t call me that.

Z: [louder, jokingly] this is ridiculous.

X: [loudly whispers, reprimanding] not as ridiculous as you.

Z: [smiles, begins to show nervousness]

X: follow me, but stay about 10 ft behind. [squeezes her arm]

[Z alone. owl hoot. Z climbs towards some rocks. X is there. They climb to a hill, then under it.]

in a cave.
Z: X? Where are you? [hand clamps on her mouth.]

X: shh. Grabs her hand. [in a dark tunnel.] OK we’re here.

Voice1: good.

X: we’re here.

Voice2: Alright let’s pray.

Cut to woods. See a silhouette of a boy with a bow near a tree.

Cut back to scene. With a small oil lamp. An old rugged man is reading. Z is in a corner staring off.

Man: …In the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

girl: I will send you a helper…

X: I am the way, the truth, and the life. …I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me shall never die.


Continuous Scene. “Wheeta drinking scene”

Outside Appalachian looking house. Z is staring at the trees. Morning before midday.

[W comes with a sandwich. Z smiles.]

W: how’s it going? You want to retire and write a book?

Z: maybe [peering into paper bag.] when I’m not so sleepy.

W: what happened? You stayed up partying?

Z:[smiles] kinda.

W: [laughs] Those old guys sure know how to put it down. I didn’t think they’d remember what liquor tasted like.

Z: I sure don’t.

W: hey you want some? [pulls out a flask] it’s really good. It’s called whiskey. One of the old folks told me he used to make it. I got some left.

Z: some?

W: hey I’m not H. I’m just celebrating. Freedom.[takes a sip]

Z: I’m not judging you. [pats his shoulder]

[W leans back on the wooden stair. Closing his eyes. Z looks down at him thoughtfully. She methodically strokes his hair back.]

W: Z, do you remember when we, kids, played the cherry-pit fight? And then jack threw the horse-pie at X? [giggles] It was crazy fun. I think we won…before john’s dad started interfering or Prim stubbed her toe—I can’t remember. That was fun. We should play like that again.

Z: yeah, we should.

End scene 3