Happy Catacombs: #4 new song (7,8)

Cut scene 4 to inside her house.

[Z hides the whiskey from her mom. Puts it under her pillow.Z runs to a well. Draws water and splashes it all over her face. All alone in the forest. Birds are singing. Then she pulls out a book from out of her bag. She glances around. Then she opens it up.

Ezekiel 29 : then He will gather them from where he has scattered them; …and their neighbors who showed them contempt. There will be a land…]

end scene


5.1 next scene 5. Campfire. Kid playing recorder. Z and W and prim and some others.

Z holding W’s hand. Z looking up at the moon, looks awkward. W lets go of Z’s hand

W to kid: can I try that?

Kid: [giggles] if you can make any noise on it.

W: why is it broken?

Kid: try it yourself.

[W tries to. Horrible whistling. W can’t get it to work.]

prim: can I try?

W: sure. I don’t know how on earth he gets it to work.

[Prim whistles 2 long and 1 short. Smiling, staring at the woods.]

W: hey what are you doing?

Z: prim.[firmly]

prim [smiling]: I’m just seeing if it works.

Loud cat noise. Z and W jump. Kid looks nervous.

Prim: yeah, I guess it does.

Z: let me try it prim. [prim hands it to her. Low note sustained.] At least I can make a sound out of it.

prim: hand it to me

Z: no, I’m gonna play a song. [p4 interval. ]

W: can I try again?

Z: no, you’re just jealous.

W: am not. I bet I can do better now that it’s wet.

Z: [shakes her head and continues trying to play]: when are you going to grow up?

W [looks for sympathy at Prim]: hey what’s up with you? Besides you’re always hanging out with Xephyr.

Z: um, no that’s not true. [continues to play p4 then M3 like Amazing grace]

W: Come on.

Z: I’m playing a song.

W: so?

Prim: she gets like that when she’s “concentrating.”

Z: I am, I’m trying to play a song.

W: it’s not that complicated, you’ve already repeated like 3 notes.[Prim giggles]

Z: yeah, except I’m trying to finish it.

W: finish what? Are you composing an expert melody? [prim laughs]

Prim: no, she’s Mozart.

W: Who’s Mozt…Moztsts…[prim laughs]

Prim: I read about it in music history.

W: Who’s teaching you music history?

Prim: Zia is.

Z: Hey you’re not supposed to talk about it!

W: why are you afraid they’ll take away your flute?

Z: Hey, I’m almost done—do you hear it?

W: Am I supposed to recognize this song?

Z: not really, it’s just a song.

W: uh huh. Right, you just spent like 30 minutes on it.

Prim: it’s pretty, did you make it up?

Z: no, I just…heard it once. OK, fine Weeta you can try.

W: yeah, like after you just spit in it and everything.

Z: sorry…

W: hey, what’s going on? Why are you getting so upset over it?

Z: I dunno, I just never really cared about stuff like that…but now I’m a musician! [looks pleased with herself]

W: Um, OK.[starts clapping] Congratulations, Mostart. [Prim laughs, Zia rolls her eyes.]

End 5.**