Happy Catacombs #5 Zia offers whiskey (9)


X working on a fence post or something. Z running up to him.

Z: hey X! I have a present for you. [hands him the whiskey]

X: Is that gin?

Z: something alcoholic.

X: hey, maybe I could use it. [opens it, smells it] Is it made from grapes?

Z: how am I supposed to know? I just got this stuff.

X: [shakes it.] you drank it already?

Z: no. Got it from somebody else.

[X nods. smiles, teasing.] X: so you haven’t even tried it yet and you’re giving it to me?

Z: thought you might know what to do with it. Maybe we could try it together or something.

X: maybe. Do you think you could get some wine?

Z: sure, I’ll ask. Why?

X: mm. I don’t know. Well, fine it’s a secret.

Z: I like secrets.

X: Do you want to come tomorrow and find out?

[Z looking serious.] Z: Maybe.

[X goes back to fixing something.]

Z: well, are you going to drink it?

X: [shrugs. Staring at the ground] maybe.

Z: Fine. [Z notices X’s reaction. grabs the bottle, takes off the cap, pours it into the ground.]

Z: I don’t need it either. [tosses the bottle away.]

[X laughs, picks up the bottle. X Scolding:] hey, you just littered. And now you wasted. One’s a sin…the other is just illegal. [smiles]

Z:[shrugs, obviously pleased.]: same signal?

X: [nods] and bring your bow. [Z looks up at X]

X: [screwing on the bottle cap, looking away] we might need it. [blows off some wood chips from the post] For something. [looks up, serious] Don’t worry.

Z: I don’t. [Z leaves]

Ends on X blowing rubbing off something on the wooden fence.

End Scene