Happy Catacombs #6: meets old lady, buys wine, gets ready for church

Looks At Dad’s Portrait

Scene 7. Morning. In Zia’s house. Zia staring up at the ceiling. Prim’s asleep.Zia combing her hair, looking in a mirror. Buttons up her dress. Walks past mom sleeping in the rocking chair. Goes to the fireplace. Picks up her father’s portrait. Stares at it.

Zia Meets Old Lady

Scene: In the forest, still the morning. Zia is walking alone in the forest, staring at the sunrise. Walks up to an old house. An old lady is hanging up laundry. Zia wanders up past the clothes hanging on the line.

The old lady is turned around rinsing some clothes.

Zia: Good morning, can I help? [old lady turns around]

old lady: I don’t need help. [pinning up a shirt]

Z: I know, but I’d like to help. [old lady moves away a shirt to look at Zia]

old lady: oh heavens. It’s you. Your face is everywhere. Everywhere outside of this town that is.

Z: [sighs] yeah.

old lady: well, you can certainly try to help.

Z: [laughs] I know how to pin up clothes. I even know how to wash them.

old lady: well, some districts have washing machines you know.

Z: [working alongside] yeah, well…they don’t even make clothes for themselves.

old lady: no? Figures. If they have machines to wash, I suppose they have machines to wear.

Z: [laughing] no that’s not what I mean. They do wear clothes. They just don’t make clothes by hand.The machines make it for them.

old lady: hmm…machines to spin, machines to knit, machines to sew? How do they know if it’ll fit?

Z: They don’t. They have to make lots of different sizes. And then they buy them from a store.

old lady: That’s a waste of fabric.

Z: maybe but then they can afford it, because they have time to afford buying rather than washing or sewing.

old lady: all that time looking for something to fit when they could just make something they liked instead? [wipes brow.] guess we’re done with this load. [pours out the water. Shades her eyes.] So you’re busy now with all this fame?

Z: busy in my mind…but can’t find what my hands should be doing.

old lady: huh. I have some ideas.

Z: do you suggest more cleaning?

old lady: [moves away pins from her mouth. The clothes flutter in the breeze.] That’s what I do. If the hands keep busy, you don’t have to worry what the mind will do. How about breakfast? Shirley! [little girl appears from the house] Why don’t you start breakfast with this young lady? [shirley nods, Z walks over to help Shirley.]

next scene in house eating breakfast. Then teaching girl how to read.

End scene.

Zia Gives Xephyr The Wine

Day. Outside.

Zia: you need one or two? [holding bottles of wine]

Xephyr: oh. Just one I guess. Hope it wasn’t too expensive?

Z: kidding? I got them for about 15.

X: Can I pay you for it? [reaches into his pocket]

Z: X! we’re friends. [hands it over to X. X examines it awkwardly.] Are you planning to do something with it?

X: [bashful] yeah.

Z: Is it a secret?

X: Only till tonight. [looks up] You’re coming tonight, right?

Z: sure. Is this fancy or something?

X: uh, just a little. I’m gonna try to look more decent.

Z: OK, Gotcha. [looks uncomfortable] Well, I’ll see…see ya.

Zia Gets Ready For Church

Cut scene to house. Evening.

Z: Hey mom! Do you have any stockings?

M: Let me check…[rifles through drawer] Why are you going somewhere? [trying not to look suspicious.]

Z: um, [looks like she doesn’t know what to say] well, it’s kind of a secret…[looks at her mom apologetically] Maybe I’ll explain later. [kisses her mom] I’ll be OK. [Zia smiles and leaves. mom smiles back; looks down at her drawer.]

end scene.