Happy Catacombs #7 first communion


Night time. Crickets chirp. 12 year old boy throws a rock to a 10 year old boy.
12Boy: hey are you awake?
10boy: shh stupid.
12boy: just checking.
Scene inside cave. Priest holds up unleavened bread.
Priest: Behold the lamb of G-d, that takest away the sins of the world.
Xephyr[whispering to Zia]: Are you baptized?
Zia: you mean like—[motions with her hands] with water, father son and holy ghost?
X: yeah.
Z: I thought that only mom was supposed to know that. My Dad and her did it to me when I was a baby.
X: yeah, well I got baptized in the creek 3 weeks ago.
Z: what? You didn’t tell me? [X shakes his head]
[Priest lifts up the cup.]
Priest: Behold the blood of the lamb that is poured out for many, for the forgiveness of sins.
X: Z, this bread and wine is very special. I haven’t really explained it to you, but until you understand…well, maybe you shouldn’t do it.
Z: what am I supposed to understand?
X: That…the bread is the body of Christ and the wine is his blood, because He said so. But you have to believe…
Z: I have to believe for it to be true?
X: no, you just have to know it’s true.
Z: How else am I supposed to know it’s true if I don’t try it?
[Priest is passing out the elements]: the body of Christ, the bread of heaven. The blood of Christ, the forgiveness of sins.
X: father, I think she wants to receive communion; but she’s new to it—she is baptized though.
→ Priest: [nods] So you have told me. Our famous archer.

[next scene: people are leaving—after service.]
Priest: Tell me, Zia, Do you believe Christ Jesus is the son of God?
Z: I do.
Priest: good, then I trust Xephyr will teach you what you need to know. First let me tell you about the Church. For a thousand years all denominations were one. Then we had a schism, which was a split between the Orthodox, then 500 years later more splits of the Protestants. Right now, our pope has been assassinated, and many church authorities are in hiding. There are many teachings which we do not have time to discuss or the unity to understand. However, I want you to know that there are many more believers who have gone before us, keeping traditions holy till the return of Christ. Can you respect and believe this?
Z: Of course…I’ll try to.
Priest: [smiles] We do not ask for rejection of your intellectual or moral beliefs. But we are not materialists—this is no ordinary bread or wine. This is, somehow, the body and blood of our Lord.
Z: I understand.
Priest: Do you have any sins you wish to confess to me before you take the sacraments?
Z: Sins?
Priest: For now, sin is anything that you did that seems wrong—and it is best to confess those which burden you the most.
Z: The hardest to talk about.
Priest: exactly.
X: I’ll wait outside.
[next scene: X exits—most people have left already. ]
Z: Father, I have killed.
Priest: I know.
Z: Does that make me a murderer?
Priest: [slowly] no, not everyone who kills is a murderer. [pause]
The line between lawful and unlawful killing is very difficult to judge in unlawful times. Without the law, we must carry the weight of our decisions and actions alone. But bloodshed is too big a burden for one man to carry. That’s why Christ had to die for us.
Z: [nods. Then slowly:] I don’t think I am a murderer. But I don’t feel pure.
Priest: Of course. We are body, mind, and spirit. Rationally you have not sinned. You were defending others’ lives. But killing is not natural…and your spirit is troubled.
Z: Will I ever be pure again?
Priest: Purity isn’t something we lose. If it truly was something we lost, we wouldn’t feel guilty. Purity is a path we choose. Jesus is the way…and the truth.
Z: and the life.
Priest: yes. Our bodies are renewed through His body, and will be raised to life on the last day. Our lives are in God’s hands; our days are written in His book. But His Spirit is among us and will help us even till the last day.
Z: …Father, Son , and Holy Ghost?
Priest: [smiles] yes, the trinity. Xephyr has been teaching you?
Z: I think he was trying to. I don’t know much, I’m afraid.
Priest: That’s alright. The trinity is a difficult concept, but a wonderful key…to understanding everything else. The more we know of God, the more we love Him; and obey Him; and know Him.

cut to next scene

Priest:Now behold his body, broken for you, for the forgiveness of sins.
Behold the cup, the blood of Christ poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Z: amen.
Priest: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord cause his face to shine upon you, and give you His peace. in the name of the father, son, and the holy spirit. Amen.
End scene.