Happy Catacombs #9 Zia Ends Romance with Wheata.

Zia Ends Romance with Wheata.

Wheata: Zia, what’s wrong?

Z: I can’t…I mean, I don’t think it’s the right time…

W: Would there be a better time?

Z: no, I mean, I don’t think so.

W: [upset] You don’t have to kiss me.

Z: It’s not that I don’t want to—I can’t. I mean…

W: Is there someone else?

Z: no. That’s not the point. I don’t think there’ll ever be someone else.[crying]

W: What’s stopping you? Is it something I said?

Z: no. It’s just that I’m never going to…give the impression I’m married…when I’m not married. And I don’t think I’m going to get married. It’s just…

W: too hard. I know, raising a family is hard, I understand that. Marriage is stressful, I know that. I’m not trying to make you stressed, Z.

Z: I know. [pause] I’m not against raising a family. I think that’s what marriage is for—though of course some people can’t have kids—but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m not against marriage; I would if…

W: I’m not trying to rush you, Z. We can take all the time in the world…

Z: That’s why I can’t. There isn’t time left in this world—not for us. Maybe for you, but not for me.

W [hurt]: It’s not like there’s much of world for just me. [starts crying] Look, Z, I don’t like you talking this way.

Z: I’m sorry…

W: [crying] no, I can’t have you talking like you’re gonna commit suicide over a stupid government and stupid politics just trying to ruin the world. You can’t let them change us, Zia. We have to fight—for our lives too [passionately]—not just for other people. Surely there has to be a chance for us too, to be happy.

Z: Of course Wheeta, I want us—I want you to be happy. But we can’t really ever be happy in this world. It’s not guaranteed—except in the next. [W looks stony] We can’t get happiness for ourselves, W. Is it even possible to be happy forever? Are you happy, W? [looks away] it’s a gift—happiness comes and goes. But we can choose—contentment—[stares away] now.[looks down] W, I’m not G-d. I can’t make you happy.

W: G-d? Where is He now? [Z reaches down to touch W’s hand, but W brushes her off.]

Z: I’m sorry.

W: [breaths deeply] Is this what you believe? That we’ll all be happy in heaven? So we can’t be happy now?

Z: No we can be happy…but some reap and others sow—some people, and certain times, are happy; but—others have to fight and be miserable.

W: So these are the times.

Z: For some of us. But life is like that. Life isn’t fair, W.

W: Like I haven’t figured that out.

Z: But it will be. There’s a world you can’t see, W, but you can smell…[smiles] can’t you smell it?

[W laughs a little disbelievingly but not unkindly.]: like smelling danger?

Z: yeah…only it’s hope—it’s real. [W staring at Z] it’s like getting a birthday present or going to maple-syrup harvesting, or riding on your dad’s shoulders through a blueberry bush…[W smiles sadly] It’s like there’s a real world out there, with real people watching you—just like the stars.[looks at the stars] Only, you have to trust and obey.

W: Obey?

Z: I guess I’m not explaining this very well.

W: No Zia, I want to believe that. I just don’t have the…faith—that you do.

Z: You don’t have to. You don’t have to…be me. G-d gave you a different life than he gave me, and a different…view of the world. Just ask Him to show you.–To show you how to believe, how to follow Him, how to—be who you were meant to be. He can do anything, Wheeta.

W hunched over dubiously, staring off.

End Scene