Leah’s vs. Jacob’s vs. Moses’ blessing 12 tribes

Here are some differences/comments
(using this search engine http://www.blueletterbible.org and check out differences and meaning of their names here http://www.biblestudy101.org/Lists/12tribes.html)

1. Jacob called Reuben his “excellency and power” but cursed Reuben’s tribe and Moses’ agreed that it would not be many but may “live and not die”. (his mother Leah’s name for him means “see a son”)

2. Jacob cursed Simeon and Levi outright saying they would be “divided”; Moses’ didn’t even mention Simeon but blessed Levi to be the priestly tribe and that those who slaughtered them would be struck.(thus splitting Simeon and blessing Levi could be a fulfillment on the word “divided” in a sort of pun-like/Midrash way.) However Simeon is mentioned in Numbers and Revelation. “Simeon” is apparently same as (I assume) “Simon” so notable Simeons is the one who blesses Jesus in the temple and Simon Peter who struck off the servant’s ear. Interesting correlation to both prophecies. (Both were Leah’s sons: Simeon means “hearing” and Levi means “attached” and see the reasons why she named them that)

3.Jacob blessed Judah to be Kingly (and is fulfilled by David and Jesus), but Moses made no mention of his kingliness. Judah’s line also continued through his daughter in law, Tamar, through an awkward course of events, yet I suppose Tamar saw it as her duty to continue his race–and this was before Mosaical laws…(Though David and Solomon both seemed to have woman-problems like their predecessor…) Judah’s name comes from his mother Leah’s “YHWH be praised”.

4. Dan’s name comes from “judge” and Jacob blesses him with being a judge; Moses just calls him a lion cub, however. (Dan is not mentioned in Revelation with the 12 tribes…) No notable stories, but seems they’re was a problem with idolatry…

5. Naphtali Jacob blessed to be a “graceful deer” which Moses doesn’t comment on, but blesses as well.
no notable stories, seems one was a builder for Solomon’s temple.(Naphtali’s name means “my wrestling”)

6.Jacob just blesses Gad to be like a troop similar to his name; Moses blesses his tribe to be judges for the people and says he is like a lion.

7.Asher means “happy” and Jacob blessed him to yield “royal delicacies” which is similar to Moses’ blessing for his tribe to “dip his foot in oil”

8. Zebulun Jacob blessed to “dwell at the shore of the sea; he shall become a haven for ships” and Moses seems to concur “Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out and Issachar, in your tents. They shall call peoples to their mountain; there they offer right sacrifices; for they draw from the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand.”

9. Issachar was blessed by Jacob to be a servant, but Moses blessed him differently, see above. His name comes from “man of hire”

10. Joseph of course gets huge blessings from both Jacob and Moses–but no notable stories from the tribes of Ephraim and Menassah…his name comes from “increase”

10. Benjamin Jacob blessed to a “ravenous wolf” but Moses blesses him for the Most High to dwell between his shoulders. He was the only son named by his Dad Jacob, meaning “son of my right hand” because Jacob didn’t like Rachel’s name Ben-Oni or “son of my sorrow”. A horrible story about the tribe of Benjamin exists in Judges and just about eliminated them, but St. Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin…