Tag Archives: Happy Catacombs

Happy Catacombs: #12 the end

FINAL HELICOPTER SCENE may 30 2012 Final scene w Zia and Chaplain. In a helicopter on a secret mission. Dark red lights in the inside, Zia dressed up in some disguised Capitol uniform. Chaplain is in army gear. He’s holding a Bible and reading out of it. “Love is patient, love is kind…” Zia’s eyes […]

Happy Catacombs # 11: old lady confesses

Quirky Old Lady Confesses Compromise ** July 2 2012 Old lady in a rocking chair holding Zia’s hand. Ol: oh no. Panem’s only been around for fifty years. Z: I was told it was a hundred! I suppose a good deal of what I’ve been told must be false then. Ol: better believe it. I […]

Happy Catacombs #11: Zia discovers Father’s Bible, talks to Mom

Zia discovers Father’s Bible. Zia opens up her Dad’s dresser and finds a Bible—white with gold. Mother sees her. Zia: [stroking the Bible] You never told me. Mom: I was afraid. [pause] I guess I am still. Afraid they’ll take you away from me. [pause, humor] I guess they already have. [starts choking up] I […]

Happy Catacombs #10: Trapper offers his books

TRAPPER OFFERS HIS BOOKS [Trapper comes carrying a woodpile. Dog is next to him] Trapper: why hello there! Whatcha need? Zia: oh, just hiking around, trying to keep myself as busy as my mind. Trapper: mind’s idlin’? Z: yeah. Trapper: Ah. In that case, in that case, I want to show you somethin’. [goes in […]

Happy Catacombs #9 Zia Ends Romance with Wheata.

Zia Ends Romance with Wheata. Wheata: Zia, what’s wrong? Z: I can’t…I mean, I don’t think it’s the right time… W: Would there be a better time? Z: no, I mean, I don’t think so. W: [upset] You don’t have to kiss me. Z: It’s not that I don’t want to—I can’t. I mean… W: […]

Happy Catacombs #8 morning after communion, warning

Morning After Communion Scene Morning. [Z wakes up, staring at the ceiling, remembering and smiling. Z leans over and kisses prim. Gets out of bed. Walks out into their forest.] Z: Mom? [mom is gathering firewood.] M: yes? [Z is smiling] Z: I love you. [M looks surprised.] M: I do too, Z. Z: O […]

Happy Catacombs #7 first communion

FIRST COMMUNION AND SERMON Night time. Crickets chirp. 12 year old boy throws a rock to a 10 year old boy. 12Boy: hey are you awake? 10boy: shh stupid. 12boy: just checking. Scene inside cave. Priest holds up unleavened bread. Priest: Behold the lamb of G-d, that takest away the sins of the world. Xephyr[whispering […]

Happy Catacombs #6: meets old lady, buys wine, gets ready for church

Looks At Dad’s Portrait Scene 7. Morning. In Zia’s house. Zia staring up at the ceiling. Prim’s asleep.Zia combing her hair, looking in a mirror. Buttons up her dress. Walks past mom sleeping in the rocking chair. Goes to the fireplace. Picks up her father’s portrait. Stares at it. Zia Meets Old Lady Scene: In […]

Happy Catacombs #5 Zia offers whiskey (9)

  X working on a fence post or something. Z running up to him. Z: hey X! I have a present for you. [hands him the whiskey] X: Is that gin? Z: something alcoholic. X: hey, maybe I could use it. [opens it, smells it] Is it made from grapes? Z: how am I supposed […]

Happy Catacombs: #4 new song (7,8)

Cut scene 4 to inside her house. [Z hides the whiskey from her mom. Puts it under her pillow.Z runs to a well. Draws water and splashes it all over her face. All alone in the forest. Birds are singing. Then she pulls out a book from out of her bag. She glances around. Then […]

Happy Catacombs: #3; “first experiences” (5,6)

  Code: Z=zia formerly katniss, x=xephyr formerly gale, w=wheata formerly peeta. 4.3 [scene 3] “cave scene” dark. Woods. Near the some house with smoke coming out. Z: X? X: shh. don’t call me that. Z: [louder, jokingly] this is ridiculous. X: [loudly whispers, reprimanding] not as ridiculous as you. Z: [smiles, begins to show nervousness] […]

Happy Catacombs: #2; diamond, Trapper, and tree scenes (2,3,4)

Code: Z=”zia” formerly katniss, x=”xephyr” formerly gale. [scene 2] Z sitting on a doorstep staring at the village. X comes by. X: hey [sits down beside her] Z: [mumbles] hi. [still looking straight ahead.] X: I want to show you something.[pulls out something] here. [holding a small little clear stone] Z: neat what is it? […]

About “Happy Catacombs”…

“Happy Catacombs” is my first attempt at fan-fiction movie script, which I have started in May shortly after seeing the film. I have at least 7 different partial-rewrites ( “script-doctoring”)  or spin-offs of my favorite movies and books which I think could be have a better interpretation (Hamlet, Star Wars V), make a totally new […]

Happy Catacombs: #1 intro (1)

To please the grouches, this is no longer the Hunger Games hook on. Name change. Code: Z=zia formerly katniss, x=xephyr formerly gale, w=wheata formerly peeta. Title: The Happy Catacombs #4.1–>6/26/2012 Boring squirrel hunt intro scene *(idea: Z doesn’t hunt anymore, is ptsd, and X is trying to help.) Z sitting on the doorstep. Kids playing […]